One day, some time later, I was standing on the pathway outside my apartment watering my plants when a slight movement caught my eye.

I looked around and there was Ignaçu – on the pathway.

He stopped and turned to look at me. We stood there for a short while looking at each other. I knew instinctively that this was goodbye.

So I thanked him for the gift of his presence and wished him good luck.

He scampered away and I’ve never seen him again.

I have spent some time since then reflecting on the lessons I learned from him.

  1. The first thing that comes to me is Letting Go – taken to the extreme level! I have struggled with this for years. But here was this iguana who demonstrated how relax completely and allow whatever happened – to happen.
  2. The second thing, related to the first, was Trust. I say all the time: “The Universe supports and nurtures me and all my needs are met.” Ignaçu showed me what this means in real life. He simply trusted that his needs for food and water would be met. He could easily have gone outdoors anytime to look for his own food. He also showed me that he trusted me, and anybody else that I trusted, to come into his space.
  3. And Patience – yet another thing I struggle with. I still don’t understand why he waited so long for me to figure out what he would eat.
  4. Then there is the Connection. I’m still letting this one sink in. I know in my head that everything in the universe is connected but now I know at a much deeper level what that feels like.

So thank you Ignaçu. Blessings!

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