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About Cheryl

“Hmmm…” said my doctor, in that particular tone.

Oh crap! I thought. Not again! My stomach sank. He didn’t have to tell me. I knew it in my gut.

And so I began my second cancer adventure – Stage 3 breast cancer, second mastectomy, second set of chemo and radiation.

This time I was a lot more prepared than I was seven years before. The first time the Warrior Queen decided to fight. Nothing the Universe threw at me was going to get the better of me!!

This time, the Warrior Queen had shifted perspective. I was mellowing a little, learning to be open and trust the Universe. But still… I gathered up my weapons…

About Cheryl

“You’re going to be happy,” said life, “but first I’m going to make you strong.”

Project Happiness

About Cheryl
First weapon, Indomitable Will. I decided I would be fine. So when the biopsy results came back, the doctor prescribed surgery as soon as possible, and he asked: Any questions?

I said: Yes. 1) When can I travel and 2) When can I go back to work?

He sat there stunned.

I explained that I needed to be at a Christian Pankhurst Heart Intelligence retreat in three weeks. I said that I felt strongly that it would be part of my healing and described why.

Three weeks later, after my mastectomy, wearing a surgical vest and in a wheelchair, I was on a plane en-route to North Carolina. And yes, that retreat was life changing.

The second weapon in my quiver I acquired at that retreat – Surrender / Letting Go. This was a very hard one for me because the Warrior Queen had been trained to never surrender. But I was determined to learn, and as I continue along my journey, I am getting better and better at letting go of control and trusting the Universe to guide me.

The third and fourth weapons I already had and knew how to use: Generating Positive Energy and Envisioning Positive Outcomes. Along the way, I had been formally trained In Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Stress Management, in Heart Intelligence also, and I used Brain Wave Entrainment and Hypnosis as part of my daily practice.

And then there was the Fun, Laughter, and Music bundle of weapons. Absolutely key, those!

But the greatest weapon of all was Gratitude. Every morning, as I opened my eyes and realised that I was alive, I whispered: Thank You!

The outcome of all of that was that I went through my second cancer adventure with easeseriously!!

And I went along happily for another five years until the Universe decided that I obviously had more to learn.

So yes, a third cancer adventure. But by this time, the Warrior Queen had morphed into something softer, humbler, wiser. She was nearer to the Wise Old Woman.

One of my happy places: the beach.
About Cheryl
Rocking my blonde wig after I lost my hair because of chemo.
Over and over I was told that this was a dangerous and delicate surgery and that the possible negative outcomes included nerve and muscle damage.

Ha! I now had twelve years of experience with the effect of positive attitude on healing – backed up by endless scientific research. So I announced to the doctors that I would be fine! They rolled their eyes…

I dug deep and worked on myself. I decided to go the alternative medicine route – but I did the surgery.

The outcome? No nerve or muscle damage; no pain. I was able to leave the hospital the day after surgery.

The lessons from this one were:

  • Letting go of control; really believing that the Universe will support and nurture me
  • Asking for help
  • Gathering support
  • Advanced Positive Envisioning

You’re seeing a pattern here, right? But no fighting – just ease and joy!

Now, my cancer adventures are just one part of my story.
After seven decades of life experiences, there is so much more.

  • Failed marriages (two)
  • Financial challenges
  • Traumatic heartbreak and undiagnosed PTSD
  • Two armed robberies
  • And in between – lots and lots of fun

Been there! Done that!!

I realised that underlying everything was my search for a life of ease, grace, and joy. I also desperately wanted to find meaning and purpose in my life and leave a legacy of contribution.

Sharing insights and empowering others is my passion. I am a professional educator with more than thirty years of experience teaching in high school as well as facilitating workshops and retreats. I know that the best way for me to learn is to teach other people what I’m learning. I’ve figured out that the lessons that I learned from my many adventures can be applied to most challenges. I am eager to help other people grow!

So, if any of my story resonates with you, if you also are searching for meaning and purpose and lasting happiness, come along with me.

Let’s have adventures and learn together!!