Simple practical tips for self-care

Simple practical tips for self-care

November is Self-Care Month I think I’m going crazy!! On top of all the foolishness that is going on in the world, I have to cope with working from home; supervising three children of different ages with their virtual schooling; cook; clean; and figure out how we’re...
You can save your life!

You can save your life!

I was in bed in the hospital, chatting with a senior nurse. I was there for my second mastectomy. Somewhere in the conversation, I happened to ask – How often do you have a mammogram? She replied – I’ve never had a mammogram! I was shocked. She was seeing people like...
Facing Fear

Facing Fear

Human beings are so interesting! Although change is one constant in all living things, all around me I’m hearing people talking about the stress, anxiety, fear, and worry they are feeling because they are challenged by all the changes that the current pandemic has...
Letting Go Of Control

Letting Go Of Control

I spoke recently with a friend who is struggling with living with someone who has obvious challenges but who will not listen to advice or accept help. She said something profound: “Over the years, I have come to accept that It Is What It Is. I do what I can; try to...
Return of the Iguana

Return of the Iguana

Return of the Iguana For those of you who don’t know my history with iguanas, let me just say that I have had some powerful experiences with iguanas. Many years ago, an iguana came into my house – which was in a very built up area and therefore not a likely habitat...