I have recognised that one of my biggest challenges is procrastination.

I keep meaning to do something really meaningful about this…

Actually, to be fair to me, I have read many books, attended many teleseminars, tapped on it, berated myself, and pretended that I was really DOING stuff that would lead to my dream.

Take for example, writing blogs.

I have grand plans (not to mention training) for writing regularly. I am good at writing. I have a large folder with subjects that I want to write about.

So what holds me back?

Well let’s start with Perfectionism. I have a strong internal belief that things need to be perfect before I can put them out. The idea of just jumping in before all the ducks are in a row, of being just GOOD ENOUGH, causes me to shudder.

And since I can never be PERFECT, you know where this ends up…

Then there is this voice in my head that keeps whispering (usually when I’m already feeling badly): “Why are you trying to do this at your age? You are too old to be starting a business!!”

Most of all, I keep being distracted by exciting, wonderful projects that I jump into passionately which take up most of my time and energy but which are not connected to my Happiness business. I tell myself that I’ll get around to the blogs soon.

The thing is that time is running out. I’m seeing myself dying with my dream still inside me. With endless potential unfulfilled.

So I’m going to take a great big step. I’m going to ask for help!!

Is there anyone out there who has overcome the procrastination demon successfully?

PLEASE share what you did!!!


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